Paleo Kids

DSC_0047So we plunged headlong into eating Paleo that Monday.  Surprisingly, for myself and Chris, it was not too difficult a transition.  We didn’t have any grains or dairy around to tempt us; we just ate what we had at home.  Plus, I had drawn up the detailed meal plan for the week which pretty much mapped out everything we would be eating and when we would be eating it.  Well, this is going better than I envisioned, I thought to myself.

Enter the children.  Children who have been used to bowls of cereal with milk and peanut butter toast for breakfast.  Children who voraciously ate string cheese and crackers and pretzels and popcorn for snacks.  Children whose favorite dinners involved fluffy pancakes or creamy macaroni and cheese.  Yes, the transition for these children was not going to be easy.

The kids ate the eggs I made for breakfast and snacked on fruit and veggies throughout the morning.  There was no shortage of questions asking when will we be able to eat crackers again and what’s wrong with cereal anyway and seriously can we just have some cheese, Mom?  It was a little discouraging, but I had to remind myself that this was a big change for them and that it would take time.

Also, I had to immediately google “helping kids transition to paleo” as everyone knows that Google has the answers to everything.  If that didn’t work, we were all going to run outside to the backyard and jump on the trampoline while I figured out what in the world we were going to do next.  Thankfully, Google pulled through.  With articles like this one on Paleo Leap and this one by Sarah Fragoso of Everyday Paleo, I quickly learned that it was advised NOT to take it all away at once but rather ease them into it a little at a time.  Oops.  I had already packed up all the non-Paleo food and given it away.  No, the little minions reminded me.  There’s still a bunch of string cheese from Costco in the fridge.  Well then, it was string cheeses all around and everyone looked a little relieved and dare I say it, happy.

Another helpful suggestion was to try to make their favorite foods, only Paleo-style.  Apparently there are recipes for Paleo chicken nuggets and Paleo pancakes and Paleo waffles and Paleo crackers and pretty much anything your child could ever want.  I immediately made a Pinterest board for all the recipes that sounded like my kids might actually eat them.  I decided to work on finding a good Paleo pancake recipe first.  We tried a few different recipes throughout the week, none of which were favorably received.  Finally, I tried Sarah Fragoso’s Paleo Pal Pancakes.  Although Gabi proclaimed them “still not as good as the ones you used to make”, all the kids enthusiastically ate theirs and asked for seconds.  That’s a win in my book.

And speaking of books, I found that recipe by googling “books about Paleo for kids” and discovering that Sarah Fragoso had written a children’s book about Paleo a few years ago called Jimmy and the Carrot Rocket Ship.  A quick check at our local library later that day led to us bringing the book home as well as Sarah’s Paleo family cookbook.  The kids read and re-read the book.  They pored over the recipes in the back and begged to try several of them.  It was a cute way for them to learn a little more about the “whys” of eating Paleo.

Next,  I figured if they were helping me in the kitchen more, they might actually be more inclined to try the food we made.  I promised that there would be lots of knife action, and all the kids clamored to be the first to help.  We made a schedule – Gabi helps me Monday nights, David Tuesdays, Michael Wednesdays, and Hosanna Thursdays.  There is a lot of fervent vegetable chopping and meat sizzling going on around here.  I give them my meal plan but allow them to make some changes if they want (for example, switch out the carrots for green beans or mash the cauliflower instead of roasting it.)  Not only are they learning valuable kitchen skills (hello homeschooling!), but they are eager to try new things.

Each day, I saw a little more of the resistance fade away.  I’ve tried to make special treats too to make this whole thing a little easier.  One favorite is Kitchen Stewardship’s Easy Grain-free Coconut Muffins.  It’s easy to whip up a batch of these to take to Grandma’s or have with some fruit after dinner.  But the family’s favorite Paleo treat so far?  Grain-free chocolate chip cookie bars.  You can find the recipe here on Tasty Yummies.  They are incredibly fluffy, not too sweet, and just perfect for a tasty snack.

The last thing I did to help the kids embrace Paleo a little more was open the kitchen.  In our dining room, I have a long buffet table that holds baskets of bananas, apples, oranges, pears, and tomatoes.  In the cabinets, the kids can find containers full of cashews and almonds, a bag of pumpkin seeds, a bag of raisins, and some beef jerky.  In the fridge, I always have a dozen or so hard-boiled eggs, baby carrots, sliced cucumbers, celery sticks, leftover meat, nitrate-free lunch meat, grapes, and sometimes berries.  I told the kids with great fanfare that they would no longer have to ask me for a snack.  If they were hungry, they could help themselves to any of these foods at any time.  My oldest is especially happy about this change.  She really thinks about the choices she’s making, and just the other day I saw her put a banana back and choose carrot sticks instead while she worked on an art project.

So no more pouting.  We are a Paleo family!

The Starting Line

Our family had a new mission: start this Paleo lifestyle together and stick it out for thirty days at least to see if it would help our health and well-being.  (What’s Paleo?  Why are we embarking on this journey as a family?  Read this post to catch up.)

I knew that in order for this mission to work, we had to be organized and have a plan. We had to be fully committed.  We had to figure out how on earth we were going to get the kids on board with this. 🙂  So, for our first week of going Paleo, we decided to just focus on the food changes.  Proper sleep and exercise would come in time, but it would be too overwhelming to conquer it all at once.  I wrote out a detailed meal plan for the week, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.  I tried to incorporate the leftovers of the previous night’s dinner into either breakfast or lunch the next day, as eating so much protein would definitely be expensive and I wanted to make sure we utilized every bit.  For example, Monday night’s dinner was hamburgers in lettuce wraps with roasted green beans. Then, Tuesday’s breakfast consisted of a fried egg over leftover hamburger with nuts and a little fruit.  After writing up the meal plan, I made a list of all the ingredients for a shopping list and added things like fish oil supplements and magnesium capsules.

I headed to Costco first to get the majority of the groceries we needed.  Due to financial constraints, we decided at this time to forgo grass-fed beef and just make do with the best meat we could afford.  After Costco, I went to Fred Meyer to get the remaining ingredients on my list.  Here’s a little breakdown of the foods I bought to start off our Paleo adventure.  The fruits I purchased were bananas, clementines, grapes, strawberries, and blueberries. (We already had apples at home.)  The vegetables I chose were kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, cauliflower, grape tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers, broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, onions, and spaghetti squash.  Proteins would be very important in this new diet; so 10 dozen eggs, lean ground beef, 10 pounds of chicken breasts, sirloin steak, nitrate-free applewood ham, and nitrate-free herbed turkey made their way into the cart.  For healthy fats, I bought macadamia nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, almonds, avocadoes, and pumpkin seeds.  Other items on the list were organic marinara sauce (from Costco). fish oil supplements, magnesium capsules, and salsa.  The total cost for all of this was $322.64.  Gulp!  I had to remind myself that a lot of the stuff I bought would last much longer than one week.  The olive oil and unrefined coconut oil was bought in bulk, as I knew we would use it frequently.  Of course, the supplements would last for quite a while.

When I got back home and put away and organized all the new groceries (hello, workout!), I faced the task of purging the pantry and fridge of non-Paleo foods.  Things like oatmeal, granola bars, and canned soups were boxed up to give to others.  I wanted to be sure that there was no way I could cave to the kids’ begging that was sure to come that week.  That night, we kicked off the week with a celebratory dinner of grilled steaks and tossed salad.  We briefly explained the coming changes to the kids and told them that they would be “mostly-paleo.”  For us, this meant that when the kids were invited to parties or friends’ homes or even out to eat at a restaurant, they would be able to eat whatever they wanted and not worry about it being Paleo.  Chris and I however were going to stick to eating strictly Paleo.

The last thing we did before going to bed that night was to measure and record our starting weights, waist size, and hip sizes.  Chris and I took pictures of each other as our “before” shots, hoping to document a very visible physical change.  Our Paleo journey had begun.

A Dinosaur of a Solution

bookimage(See yesterday’s post for the first part of this series)

My mother-in-law gave me The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet by Robb Wolf to read first.  I put it aside for a few days, reluctant to start reading what seemed to be a very scientific book.  Then a heat wave hit, and the kids wanted to be in the pool practically every second of the day.  I had to be out there with them; so The Paleo Solution became my poolside read.  I will admit that I skipped a few chapters here and there because they were too “sciency” (ha! new word!) and because I just didn’t want to focus that hard.  However, the rest of the book surprisingly made a lot of sense.  Basically, the Paleo lifestyle entails what the author believes our ancestors, or cavemen, followed.  Although I am a firm believer in God creating the universe and all that is in it, therefore denying the existence of “cavemen”, I do get the gist that this diet, or lifestyle, would have most likely been prevalent for Adam and Eve and subsequent generations after the fall of man.  A Paleo lifestyle consists of three components: food, fitness, and sleep.  When these three components are followed within Paleo guidelines, physical health should improve, weight will be lost, and athletic performance will be increased.  Here’s a closer look at these three components.

1.  Food.  Well, what food would have our early ancestors eaten?  Certainly nothing processed and nothing that would have taken too much effort to make.  From these concepts, the Paleo foods are derived:  an abundance of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, eggs, healthy fats such as coconut oil and olive oil, beef, chicken, bacon, pork, shrimp, and fish.  Foods not allowed on the Paleo diet are cereal grains, legumes such as beans and peanuts, refined sugars, dairy products, potatoes, processed foods, and vegetable oils.  Why would someone want to avoid grains, legumes, and dairy?  Well, I would encourage you to read Robb Wolf’s book yourself to get into all the technical terms; but to put it simply, these three groups of foods are really all in the same category.  They contain proteins that irritate the gut.  They can cause a lot of issues in people with automimmune diseases.  Because they damage the gut lining, your body does not absorb nutrients correctly.  Grains and dairy also affect the gall bladder, causing your body to misuse vitamins.  Basically, these foods strip down your gut lining and other organs, leaving you wide open for a host of diseases and even cancer.

2.  Fitness.  The first people to live on this earth did not sit at a desk staring at a computer all day.  Adam himself was cursed to a lifetime of working the fields by the sweat of his brow when he disobeyed God’s command in the garden of Eden.  People back in those days did a lot of running, carrying, building, digging, hunting, climbing, gathering, etc.  Daily exercise was a natural part of their lives.  And while many people today exercise to lose weight or stay fit, the truth is “If you do not exercise, you are broken.” (The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet by Robb Wolf, p. 145.) Basically, in order to be complete, a person following the Paleo lifestyle should do enough physical exercise to build some muscle, keep that muscle, and strengthen bones.  This exercise would not be cardiovascular in nature, but rather would focus on strength, mobility, flexibility, power, and endurance.  Thus the Paleo lifestyle emphasizes circuit training, also known as interval training.  Robb’s book offers a plethora of exercises to try, and there are many websites devoted to Paleo fitness and exercise as well.

3.  Sleep.  Again, going back to the first people on this earth, it is unlikely that any of them were “night-owls.”  You wouldn’t have found a person then that stayed up way into the wee morning hours working on a project and then rising early to a loud alarm clock, chugging coffee or some other source of caffeine to make it through the day.  No, these people went to bed when the sun went down and got up when the sun rose.  They didn’t need alarm clocks – their bodies were naturally well-rested and would give themselves a “wake-up call.”  Subscribers to the Paleo way of life make sure that they get a good amount of quality sleep every night (Wolf’s book suggests at least nine hours!) They get this sleep by sticking to a strict bedtime, making sure their bedroom is completely dark, and avoiding stimulants such as coffee in the afternoon and evening.

After reading Wolf’s book (and then going back later to wade through the more technical chapters), I was mostly convinced.  I still had some questions.  Won’t I be hungry a lot without grains and dairy to fill me up?  Is this some crazy diet that is actually going to mess with my body?  Won’t all that meat and produce be expensive?  So I hit the internet, found lots of information that settled my fears and misgivings, and encouraged me that this could be the solution our family was looking for.  (Here’s an easy post to read about the top five misgivings people have about Paleo).

Okay.  The husband and I discussed it at length and decided that we were going to give this Paleo thing a try for at least thirty days.  We planned on Monday, July 21, being the first day of this new lifestyle.

(My next post will detail how we planned to do Paleo as a family and the costs involved.)




The Search for a Solution

A little over a year ago, I blogged about my husband and I doing a juice fast that extended over a few weeks.  It was extremely helpful in clearing out all the toxins that had been building up in our bodies and in giving us a good jumpstart into a much healthier lifestyle.  And for a while we rode that healthy train, eagerly eating the fresh fruits and veggies that were so readily available in the summer and early fall months.  Come winter time, our motivation began to slide.  Exercise fell to the wayside in the cold rainy months of December and January, and the good eating habits quickly followed.  I soon found myself drinking sugary coffee drinks and soda on a regular basis again.  I put absolutely no thought into what was going into my body.  We frequented fast food places and indulged in desserts daily.

In May, Chris was informed by his job that he would traveling to China for ten days for a work convention.  He panicked, knowing that he had gained quite a bit a weight in the last few months.  Not wanting to be the “big guy” on the long plane flight there, he started making immediate changes to the way he ate.  He joined a gym and played racquetball a few times per week.  Inspired by his changes, I stepped on the scale and was shocked to find that I was heavier than I had ever been before.  I joined my husband in his efforts to eat healthier and exercise more.  After he returned from China, we went on another juice fast to hopefully help kickstart more weight loss.  Then we started watching pretty carefully what we were eating – whole grains, good dairy, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.  Occasionally we allowed ourselves a “treat” by getting fast food or having a dish of ice cream.  I watched the scale and was frustrated that the pounds didn’t seem to budge.  Even worse, I was having daily digestive issues, exhaustion, and brain fatigue.  I couldn’t figure out why I was experiencing all these health problems when I was doing my best to eat better.

Something had to change.  But what?  I researched online and read health books.  Everything seemed to point in the direction I was already facing.  One day I poured out my frustrations to my mother-in-law.  She related to me that a few weeks ago she had gone to see a naturopathic doctor with her husband to help him with his physical ailments, some of which were the same as mine.  The doctor had put them both on a Paleo diet for fifteen days.  Within a few days of starting this new way of eating, they both felt so clear-headed and energetic.  As they progressed, physical issues like extreme tiredness and digestive problems resolved themselves, and the weight was just dropping off.  After the fifteen days were up, they continued eating a mostly-Paleo diet with very favorable results.  I was impressed, interested, and. . . skeptical.  How could not eating whole grains and dairy be healthy?  Wouldn’t there be missing nutrients and vitamins?  Wouldn’t you feel hungry all the time?

I guess I had a lot of questions.  And when you have a lot of questions, there is only one thing to do.  Find the answers!


DSC_0038-001A lot of living and a lot of loving have happened since I last posted.  It was a season in which far too many things took priority over this blog, and I don’t regret giving in to those things one bit.  It’s all part of the ebb and flow of life.  Now, I’ve reached a time when blogging and sharing my ideas and thoughts is once again a very possible part of my schedule, and I’m thrilled to be back.

I realize that I left off my My Journey to Freedom series right in the middle.  I fully intend on completing that series soon.  Since I posted the third installment of the series, God has led me even deeper into that journey of faith.  I absolutely would not have chosen the path He picked, but I am walking it still and am glad for the strength He gives each day.

On my old blog Temporary Insanity – Permanent Joy, I started off 2013 with a ridiculous and copious list of new year’s resolutions that with my absurd confidence I posted for all the world to see.  I read that list recently and just shook my head at the enormity of things I had hoped to accomplish in a single year.  With the wisdom that is gained through personal failure, I entered 2014 with a completely different outlook.  Instead of a long list of impossible resolutions, I decided to focus on a single word for this year.  I know it’s not a new idea – I admit that I stole it from oh, just a whole lot of other bloggers I read.  But the idea of a single word propelling some changes and opportunities for growth this year was very appealing.  And so, after a lot of prayer, I chose the word intentional.

I am not by nature a very organized person.  I often have the best of intentions and then fail to follow through.  This year, I will be putting this word intentional in a prominent place to remind me to live more deliberately.  In my marriage, I want to be consciously putting forth more of an effort to grow and strengthen our love and to be fully present even when he is trying unsuccessfully to get me excited about some computer concept.  With my children, I want to make the most of each moment I have with them, and that means purposeful planning ahead and working diligently to get individual time with each child.  In homeschooling, I want to stop avoiding the direction I know we need to take just because it will require more work and planning. (more about that in another post.)  And in my relationship with Jesus Christ, I want to be more deliberate in pursuing Him and in facing those areas of my life that need to be changed.  As far as my health is concerned, I need to be more intentional about the food I eat and the physical activity I do.

So that’s it.  I guess I am hoping to be a lot more intentional about blogging as well.  Come back soon for the final post in my Journey to Freedom series.

Health and Fitness Update


You may be wondering what is going on in the health and fitness department around here, as I haven’t posted about my progress or lack thereof for a few weeks now.  The last time I posted, I was still juicing a few times a day, working out every day, and making a goal to get to bed at a decent time.

Right.  So, here’s the thing.  I am still juicing twice a day.  I have a green juice every morning and a carrot/tomato/celery juice in the afternoon.  I have, for the most part, been eating healthy lunches and dinners full of veggies and protein.  However, a cup of coffee or two has been sneaking its way back into my diet.  I drink it black, making it pretty much calorie free, but I was amazed at how quickly my body slipped back into “needing” coffee.  My head tells me that the juices and healthy diet should be enough for energy, but past, well-ingrained habits say otherwise.  I had my last cup of coffee this morning and put the Keurig machine away.  I have also found the “need” for desserts arising more frequently, especially at night time.  It started a few weekends ago, when my husband and I decided to go on an impromptu overnight trip to the coast for our ninth anniversary.  As we drove out to Cannon Beach that Friday afternoon, we decided that we weren’t going to stick to eating healthy while on our little trip.  I figured a few sweets and happy drinks wouldn’t hurt anything.  After dinner at a fabulous seafood restaurant there, we strolled the boardwalk and ended up inside the candy store.  Every time I’ve been to the coast, I always get myself a few pieces of sea foam candy as a treat.  If you’re not familiar, sea foam is made by boiling water, vinegar, sugar, and corn syrup together and then adding baking soda to make it light and airy.  Of course, it is also dipped in a chocolate coating.  Anyway, we purchased the sea foam and some cheesecake pops and quite a bit of salt water taffy in an alarming array of neon colors.  Back at the resort, Chris brought out some ingredients he had packed to make some celebratory drinks, and between those sugary beverages and the candy, we thought we had it made.  Not so much – the candy tasted gross (hello, artificial everything – hadn’t tasted you in a long time!) and the drinks made me sick.  The next day, we raided the local grocery store to buy some green juice to help us feel better on the road.

You would think that would have cured me of sweets for a while.  But the taste of sugar fueled my desire for more.  Over the next two weeks, I found myself making lots of excuses to have a sweet treat here or there.  They were all-natural, homemade desserts, but the point is that they were not in moderation.  At all.  And today I find myself desiring something sweet again and telling myself the handful of raspberries and almonds for a snack is enough.  I know it will be difficult to train myself away from those sugar cravings again.

As for exercise, I have been doing pretty well in regards to actually doing it.  I turn on the Wii almost every day and sweat my way through increasingly harder workouts.  I also have been making more of an effort to “exercise” with the kids – running around the yard, dancing in the living room, etc.  Still, when I honestly looked at what I’ve been doing the past couple of weeks, I realized that I am not good at pushing myself.  I do just enough to get through the workout and check off my exercise box for the day, but I don’t try to see if I can get through two workouts or if I can push myself deeper with every squat and lunge.  I don’t run a few laps and then push myself to run more when my body says no.  I do what feels comfortable and not much beyond that.  I think that I am not as motivated any more.  I have about ten more pounds or so to lose, and these are always the pounds that have refused to move in the past.  I feel “okay” with where I am, and therefore I don’t feel the need to push myself harder. It’s time to up the pressure on myself.  I’m going to find a goal to push towards – running a 5K, perhaps – and then write out a list of steps that it will take for me to get to that goal.

The sleep factor is still the most difficult thing for me right now.  I cannot seem to get myself into bed before midnight, and I usually lay there for at least a half hour more with my mind racing with all the things I need to do the next day.  Little Hosanna is usually the first to awaken, many times at 6:30 am.  That doesn’t make for much sleep for mama.  This leads to crankiness and a much more overwhelming desire to reach for that coffee, not to mention a tiredness during workouts.  I need my husband’s help with this.  He is a complete night owl, and I think that if he made the effort to get to bed earlier also, it would help me.  Any suggestions on how I can bribe him to do so? (no sugary rewards! haha)  Seriously, though, I have to have a plan (and a lot of self-discipline, too!) for consistent earlier bedtime and a wind-down time before bed.  What do you do to relax before sleeping?

I have not weighed myself in a few weeks, but clothes are still a little loose.  Last week, we were invited to a pool party for one of the children’s friends, and I was delighted to find that I needed to buy a new (smaller!) swimsuit.  The progress continues, then, and I find I am learning so much about myself along the way.  Here’s to another week of health and happiness!



Organizing Produce

With all the juicing and the attempting to eat a fruit-and-veggie-filled diet around here, the produce content of the refrigerator has increased dramatically.  Most days, there is a variety of kale, spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, peas, strawberries, red beets, and more stuffed somewhere in the depths of the fridge.  Of course, they are competing with the milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, water pitcher, and leftovers for space.

Today I took Hosanna to check out the farmers’ market in our area for the first time since we moved here.  We loaded up the stroller with beautiful strawberries, enticing bundles of asparagus, a bag full of greens, and some sugar snap peas.  When I brought them home, however, I realized that I had no place left to shove them in the refrigerator.  And truth be told, I was getting a little tired of shoving anyway.  Not only did it make it hard to find what vegetable I wanted, it also was causing produce to spoil more quickly or lay forgotten in the back corner.  I needed (desperately!) to organize my refrigerator.  (Okay, I probably needed to clean it too.  And face the scary containers of leftovers hanging out in the back…)

What’s the first rule of organizing anything?  Everything has to have a place, right?  I had seen some made-for-your-fridge bins that were supposed to help corral all the inhabitants of the refrigerator.  I loved the idea but not the price.  At $12 each, it would cost way more to organize it than it would to fill it with healthy goodies!  I headed to the dollar store to see what containers they might have to fill my need.  I found that all of their clear bins were a little too small for my plans, but then I discovered these rectangular plastic baskets. (You can see them in the photo below.)  And so the organizing began.

week one June

Here’s a little break-down of how I accomplished that “after” picture.

1.  First, I took everything out of the refrigerator.  Everything!  I lined up all the “keep” stuff on the kitchen counter, threw out the moldy stuff, and tossed a bunch of weeks-old leftover containers into the sink to be cleaned out.

2.  Next, I scrubbed down the inside of the fridge and washed out all the drawers.  Dish soap worked perfectly fine for this task.

3.  Then, I arranged and rearranged the plastic baskets on the shelves until I had something that worked.  I put the eggs, cheeses, milks, yogurts, and peanut butter back in first in the spaces around the baskets.

4.  Then, I set to filling the baskets.  I had purchased one smaller bin that had a convenient handle for easy access.  This one became home to my berries as well as a small ziploc bag of ginger root.


5. I transferred all the rest of the produce to gallon-size ziploc bags.  Most produce should be sealed up, unwashed, to help it last longer.

6.  The baskets on the top shelf became home to spinach, romaine lettuce, and cucumbers.


7.  I put kale in the basket on the middle shelf next to the berry bin.

8.  The bottom shelf had two baskets, one of which held carrots, parsley, and cilantro, and the other held tomatoes, celery, and asparagus.


9.  Finally, I filled the crisper drawers at the very bottom.  I set the vegetable drawer to high humidity and put our lesser used veggies in there – avocados, red beets, cabbage, bell peppers, and sugar snap peas.  The fruit drawer (set to low humidity) held some lemons, kiwi fruits, and a mango.


Of course, the contents of each basket will change from time to time, depending on the season.  I do store some produce on the shelves in my dining room.  Right now, there are apples, bananas, a pineapple, pears, potatoes, garlic, and shallots on those shelves.  They don’t need to be refrigerated.  Bonus – the kids tend to grab them more often for snacks since they are so accessible.

And tonight, when I opened the fridge to gather some veggies to make a juice, I may have closed and opened the fridge door a few more times just to stare at its organized, happiness-inducing goodness.  (and snacked on a few sugar snap peas – who can resist those??)

Weeks Three and Four of our Juice Cleanse


It’s time for an update on the whole juice cleanse thing.  You can read about why we decided to do a juice cleanse here, how the first week went here, and how we changed it all up the second week here.


Week Three was supposed to be the week that I added some moderate exercise back in.  I was excited to implement this change as I have always enjoyed exercising.  I like the surge of endorphins that comes after a good cardio workout.  Also, I hoped that exercise would help kick the weight loss back up into turbo mode.  We planned to continue the juicing throughout the morning and afternoon as we had the previous week.  Monday morning, I searched frantically for appropriate workout clothing and decided to start off the week with a Wii Fit workout.  The batteries in the Wii Fit board were dead;  I spent another fifteen minutes hunting down fresh batteries and replacing the old ones in the board.  Where was the Wii Fit disc?  I couldn’t find it anywhere – this could be perhaps to my not-so-awesome organizational skills – and was about to give up on the whole idea when I discovered the Gold’s Gym for Wii disc.  Oh yeah, I dimly remembered.  This is pretty fast-paced and involves a lot of boxing.  I put the disc in and got to work.


Yeah, so maybe working out was not as fun as I remembered.  My muscles cried out after months of not being used.  Still, I persevered through the first set of roundhouses and uppercuts.  After all, my children were watching me.  All of them.  And they were screeching with excitement, saying such encouraging things as, “Why don’t you go faster, Momma?” and “I don’t think you’re doing it like the lady on the tv!”  Halfway through the second set, as I bobbed and ducked punches, I felt a sudden, oh-this-is-not-good pain shoot through my lower back.  I grimaced and fell to my knees.  “What’s wrong, Momma?”  Gabi asked, genuinely concerned.  “Is the exercise too hard for you?”  I reassured her that I was fine, when indeed I was not.  I struggled to my feet, and like the stubborn idiot I am, I somehow finished the rest of the workout.  Including reverse crunches.  I know!


I turned off the disc and tried to walk to the kitchen to refill my water bottle.  At every step, jarring pain in my lower back took my breath away.  I couldn’t stand up straight and could barely move without intense pain.  I texted my husband of my plight, and thankfully he was able to leave work early and come home.  He has a history of back pain and knew what to do.  He set me up in our bedroom with a strange assortment of pillows shoved under my knees and a icy cold pack on my back.  It was me, my Ipad, and  my woefully boring-looking bedroom for the next day and a half.  Chris took care of the kids while working from home while I muttered things like “It figures.  As soon as I start something good like exercising, something comes in to screw it up.”


I wish I could say that I was really good with the juicing and eating during this time.  Nope, not really.  I did have some juice but mostly I snacked on little things all day.  They were mostly good things – veggies, fruits, whole-grain chips, etc. – but a bowl or two of ice cream may have sneaked in there.  And when I finally convinced Chris he could go back to work (who seriously could get any work done at home with four unusually energetic children racing around?!), I knew that it would be a few more days before I could attempt to exercise again.  So much for beginning exercise that week!


The next week, I was determined to try again.  This time, I set my alarm clock for 6:00 am in preparation to go for a good brisk walk in the morning.  Without kids.  That part is important, obviously, because kids always throw wrenches into your plans for having a great, unobserved workout.  Monday morning, I was up with the birds and walking around my new neighborhood, which I discovered has NO sidewalks.  None.  It’s also apparently very busy early in the morning; so I spent that walk mostly dodging oncoming cars and pretending I didn’t care when passing vehicles splashed up muddy water on me.  I researched and found out that there was a little nature trail at the library not far from me.  That trail became my go-to path for the next two days.  Life was awesome.  Then I was reminded that I live in the land of liquid sunshine for the rest of the week.  It poured down cold rain for five days straight.  I don’t mind walking in rain – it’s kind of a requirement around here – but this was the stuff that made me wish for windshield wipers on my glasses and about six more layers of warm clothes.


Chris came through by running to Game Stop and purchasing EA Sports Active for the Wii.  I spent the remainder of the week trying out this new (to me anyway) game instead of freezing on my walks outside.  I liked that it was customizable, that the workouts changed daily, and that it hurt.  And I must have been doing all right, since the scales at the end of the fourth week indicated that I was down another three pounds.


This coming week, barring all ridiculous injuries or intense rain scenarios, I plan on doing my walks in the early morning and then doing the EA Sports Active later in the day.  Because I am upping my exercise time, I don’t think it’s wise to just have juice throughout the morning in afternoon.  I’m going to continue to start off my days with green juice and then have one more veggie juice later in the day.  In between, I plan on eating some good protein (think oatmeal with peanut butter) and some healthy fats as well. (like avocados)  I guess with these changes, I should probably not refer to it as a juice cleanse anymore.


Oh and I have one more goal this week.  I need to get more sleep! I am a terrible night owl, and it is affecting me getting up early to go walking.  My plan is to be in bed by 10:30 or 11:00 pm at the latest.  This will require great fortitude and strength of will.  It will also require me to finish this post, now!  I need to go to bed.


Week Two of Our Juice Cleanse


(To read about why my husband and I started a juice cleanse, click here.  To find out how our first week went, click here.)


We finished off our first week of drinking only fresh vegetable/fruit juice and water, and as I mentioned in a previous post, I felt great!  I had lost weight and gained a ton of energy.  At the end of that first week, Chris and I sat down to evaluate how everything had gone so far and if we wanted to continue.  Inspired by my success so far, I wanted to keep going.  Chris had a different idea.  He was bothered by the fact that we all sat down at the dinner table, us parents with our juices and the kids with their meats and veggies.  He felt like it wasn’t very easy to encourage the kids to eat their vegetables when we weren’t doing the same.  I agreed – it just wasn’t the same time of bonding and family fellowship when we didn’t eat with the kids.  After a lot of discussion, we decided to continue the juice cleanse for the mornings and afternoons and then eat a meal of lean proteins and veggies for dinner with the family.


So that’s what we did.  The first evening, we had grilled chicken and salad, and that night, I had a lot of stomach cramps. Chis felt fine, but apparently my body needed a little more time to adjust to this change.  We continued with our new plan, and I was pleased to discover that I still had a high amount of energy as well.  I had such a craving for chocolate cake one evening that I gave in and made a previous favorite of ours, Two-Minute Chocolate Mug Cake.  I split the recipe between us, and although it briefly satisfied the taste buds, it didn’t have the desired effect.  I was also getting a little tired of the juicing process by this point.  I liked drinking the juice, but I wasn’t as fond of all the washing, peeling, and chopping of the veggies and fruits and especially the cleaning of the juicer.  It also was a big time suck – I found myself getting up earlier to get enough juices ready for Chris to take to work with him.  (And of course, this process was constantly interrupted by kids clamoring for breakfast and diaper changes and use of the tv remote).  I decided that for my own sanity and for continued momentum in this process, I would make juices the night before.  I know that fresh juice is best straight out of the juicer and that the longer it sits, the more nutrients it loses.  But I did my best to preserve the nutrients by adding a little lemon to each juice and by filling my mason jars completely to the top before sealing the lids tightly and putting them in the fridge.


I learned a few new things this second week of juicing.  First, I realized that my thought process has been much clearer since we started the juice cleanse.  I can focus on a project to completion (the housework rejoices!), and my creativity has greatly increased.  Secondly, I learned that I need to figure out how to listen to my body better.  That night that I wanted chocolate cake so badly, my body was really telling me that it was thirsty.  Plain and simple.  The next time I wanted something sugary  and sweet, I drank a glass of water and found that my body was satiated.  We also discovered that listening to our bodies meant not always sticking entirely to the “rules.”  One morning, I felt the need for something with more staying power than just juice.  A handful of almonds did the trick.  Chris had a day at work when he was having a lot of trouble focusing and getting anything done.  A small turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread made all the difference.


By the end of the second week of juicing, I had lost just one pound.  My body hit a bit of a plateau in the weight loss department, although I noticed that my jeans were still getting looser. 🙂  Energy levels and patience levels (what?!) were high.  Encouraged by these results, we made a commitment to continue juicing during the day and eating healthy, balanced meals in the evening.  I determined also that this next week would be the week that I would start doing some moderate, intentional exercise.


And next week, I’ll share how that week went.  (Hint – somebody ended up flat on their back in bed for two days and the kids ended up watching a LOT of tv.)  For now, I’ll leave you with another favorite juice recipe.


Red Sparkler Juice

1 medium red beet, washed well

4 carrots

2 oranges, peeled

1 bunch of cilantro


Week One of Our Juice Cleanse

juicyjuice     When Chris and I first decided to make positive, healthy changes to our lifestyle, we knew that we needed to focus on nutrition first before exercise.  Exercise has always been the easier part of the equation for us – eating healthy, vitamin-rich foods and avoiding the crappy, sugar-filled foods have always been a battle for us.  I have heard that the key to a long-lasting, healthy life is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise.  My obstacle was going to be conquering my coffee addiction;  Chris had to face giving up his beloved Pepsi and sugary energy drinks.


In yesterday’s post, I talked about our decision to go on a juice cleanse.  We purchased a juicer, loaded up the fridge and counter tops with fruits and vegetables, and planned out how we were going to make this work.  We started on a Saturday so we could get used to it before the busyness of work and homeschooling hit on Monday.  The plan was to drink five to six juices (16 ounces) throughout the day as well as plenty of water in between.  Meanwhile, I would make healthy, balanced meals for the kids as well as offer them juice if they wanted it, too.


Day One of the cleanse was interesting.  We happened to score a great deal on an outdoor playhouse from Craigslist, and Chris spent the first day of the cleanse dismantling the playhouse at the previous owners’ house and then rebuilding it in our backyard.  That was a lot of sweat and labor for a diet of just juice.  However, we both made it through the day successfully, giving me hope that I would be able to continue.  The second and third day of the cleanse were not as kind to me.  I felt sick, achy, extremely tired, and cranky.  I worried that I wasn’t doing it right, but after a little reading I realized I was just experiencing the detox effect.  I knew if I could just push through it I would be feeling great soon.  On Day Four, I woke up BEFORE my alarm clock and quite literally jumped out of bed.  I was shocked at the high energy I had all day.  For the rest of the week, I was intoxicated with my energy level and with how I just felt so good.  Chris had the same experiences – getting up earlier in the morning and being cheerful to boot.


I did miss coffee terribly that first week.  It was such an ingrained habit that just a whiff of coffee (hello, I live in the land of a Starbucks-on-every-corner) would make me miss it and desire it so much.  After the first few days however, I found that I obviously did not need the caffeine!  Our other struggle that week was attending a barbecue on Friday night.  It was strange and a little awkward to be standing there, sipping our fresh juices, while everyone else indulged in homemade mac’n’cheese, hot dogs, and hamburgers.  I discovered that I didn’t really desire the barbecue food at all.


If you’re thinking of starting  a juice cleanse, whether it be for three days or a week or even longer, let me share a few tips with you that I learned our first week.

1.  First, be prepared.  Have the fruits and veggies on hand that you need so you won’t be tempted to give up.  I ended up making a whole lot of juice in the mornings – maybe three or four different varieties – and putting it into tightly sealed mason jars in the fridge.  Chris took four jars to work with him, and then I also had a lot of juice to get me through the day, especially as I was making the kids’ meals.

2.  Secondly, make sure that you use a variety of fruits and vegetables in your juices every day.  It’s important to get different vitamins and other nutrients into your body, as that will be the only nutrition your body gets during the cleanse.

3.  Use more veggies than fruits.  Most of my juices are full of vegetables with a little fruit to sweeten them up.

4.  If you can, start your cleanse on a day when you don’t have to be anywhere or do anything too strenuous.  Give yourself time to relax and and rest throughout the day, but do try to stay busy so you don’t think so much about the fact that you’re not getting to eat anything.

5.  Juicing is amazing because all the vitamins in the juice digest quickly and get into your bloodstream within fifteen minutes of drinking it.  However, it also eliminates all of the fiber.  This is a good thing during a cleanse, as it gives your body a chance to rest and not have to work so hard at digestion.  But it can make you a little “backed-up,” if you know what I mean. 😉  I bought some “Get Regular” tea and used it when I needed a little help.


When we got to the end of our first week, I felt better than I have ever felt in my entire life.  I had loads of energy, and my skin had cleared up dramatically.  The best part was that I lost eight pounds!  We were so excited about these new changes in our lives that we decided to continue the juice cleanse, but to switch it up a little.  I’ll let you know how that went in a future post.

Here are two of my favorite juice recipes.  The Big Green one I drink every morning to start off my day, and the Sweet Potato Splash is a nice pick-me-up in the afternoon.


Big Green:

1 cup kale, loosely chopped

1 cup spinach

1 cup broccoli

1 cup romaine lettuce

1/2 cucumber

1 Granny Smith apple

1/2 lemon

small piece of ginger


Sweet Potato Splash

one small sweet potato, peeled

2 large carrots

2 apples

1 spear pineapple

small piece of ginger

